Our Philosopy


We will build and nurture respectful relationships with all children.

We will care for all children.

We view children as capable and competent learners.

Children have the right to play and have fun in a safe and supportive environment.

Children have the right to be consulted about their learning and are included in the decision-making processes.


We will build and nurture respectful relationships with all families.

We view families as the child’s first and most influential teacher.

We aim to work in partnership with families.

Learning program

We all have the right to feel safe.

We have personal and collective responsibilities for looking after our preschool and our environment.

Emotional literacy and intelligence are embedded in our daily practice.

We are inclusive; diversity, culture, and language are shared, valued and respected.

We emphasise the importance of adopting a holistic perspective that seeks to engage all aspects of the learner, including mind, body and spirit.

We aim to embed Indigenous perspectives and sustainable practices throughout the learning program.

We value nature as an open-ended resource that affords curiosity, awe and wonder.

Educators and staff

We will model kindness, gratitude, fairness and love through our daily interactions.

We value teamwork and building on the strengths of each of team member.

We are ongoing learners who value continuous improvement.

We empower and enable by sharing life-skills and knowledge.

We are committed to the education and care of young children.


A sense of place will be developed as we explore and discover our local community.

We affirm the dignity and worth of all people, aspiring to be inclusive, open and responsive to diverse needs and anilities.

We work in partnership with Lismore Anglican Parish to provide children with opportunities to develop and express their spiritual nature.

We acknowledge, and develop an understanding, that the land we play and learn on is Bundjalung land.